Friday, July 25, 2008

[coffee sex]

I'm not sure what coffee is like from where you are but out here it is everything and everywhere. At least every half block there are drive-through espresso stands. Sometimes there are two. In the city everything is sit down but in the suburbs we are %65 drivethroughs and %35 cafes. The best part is that the majority of these places are really delicious. With nearly every drivethrough serving coffee from roasters like stumptown, dillanos, whidbey island c.c., zoka, etc, how could they not be?

What's been frustrating is that over the last couple years there have been so many lingerie stands and cafe chains popping up. I guess it was only a matter of time before cafes and drivethroughs brought in sex, the natural next step. Off the top of my head I can think of Best Friend Espresso, Cowgirls, Hot Chicka Latte, Natte' Latte', Sweet Spot Espresso, there are more with less catchy names. These stands have raised floors so that the customer is at crotch level with the barista. Some of them have theme days but mostly it's lingerie or bikinis. Up until recently girls were allowed to wear g-strings and pasties... The times I've had coffee from any of these places it has been disgusting. Burnt shots to say the least.

As a barista it's been really obnoxious to have men constantly come up to our stand and ask us when we're going to have "Thong Thursday's" or have them harass us constantly about not being a sex stand. I've had several customers go into detail about how girls will bend over for them while wearing skirts with no undies. These cafes bother me because I get harassed the more there are of them. There are a lot of other reasons I don't like them but this is what effects me the most.

Are there sexy coffee houses where you live? Is this just a N.W. thing? Maybe I could move away from it... it groses me out. I am always spilling stuff on myself and using my half apron, nearly naked would be such a pain.


Kristina said...

Ha! I stumbled on this post - and I had just written about caffeine (and, therefore, about coffee).
There is a very "sexy", hipster, cool café in my neighborhood, which is a nice change from all of the starfucks that have invaded the country. But it's kind of insane too! Still - yikes about the thongs. Ewww. At this cafe, I feel out of place because I don't have 8,000 tattoos and piercings. I'm too bourgeouise or something!
- Kristina

Will said...

We do not have those in LA, yet. Thankfully. I like coffee and bikini's but the two don't mix.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of that! Wow.

I do admire your plethora of coffee options though.

elizabeth said...

I suppose seattle and it's surroundings are just like that- paving the way for coffee and random combinations everywhere. It is only a matter of time before you too have these options.

Anonymous said...

That seems highly unsanitary!