Speaking of bras. None of mine fit. again. pft! I measured the important parts and according to the wise internet bra measuring gods I am a J or like a Dx6 or some other too ridiculous size. What is a girl to do? Nordstrom this weekend probably. But just one or two bras will be bought. I'll be a G in a couple months and then something inbetween for a month and then back again after that. Silly breasts don't have a clue what they are doing. I wouldn't care so much if I didn't have to keep spending so much money on such things.
With James moving in and us splitting my rent ($282 each!) we'll be saving bundles. In honour of it and uh, just because, we've decided to take a trip to New York in July (21-27). We found some steals with tickets and because James used to live there he has a bunch of friends that want to put us up! I've never been to New York or a major US city for that matter and am way excited. James is going to urban planner/ history it up for me probably and I'll know everything by the time I leave. Fun. Also, Sara and anyone else living around should catch a drink with us.
This weekend is going to be beautiful again (upper 60's, sunny) and we're going to the Seattle Cask Festival. Silly drunkenness i'm sure. Breakfast on Sunday with my oldest brother. And wedding fabric shopping with my sister and mom... loveliness
If I figure out some sort of camera thing I'll show you one million photos of my sweet bunns.
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