James called me this morning to let me know that he'll be in Rhode Island for roughly four months. He is good at his job and everything is flooded and it's important.
I want us to pour through summer together, touching everything. Sometime in August breaks my heart a little. It's because we are so good together. Because he is beautiful and kind and giving and more than I could have imagined on my greediest day. I Love him too much, of course he has to be all the way across the country. And September is hurricane season, he'll have to be somewhere for that too I am sure.
Our phone calls are good and whole. Better than I would have thought. Everything is easy with him.
Apparently Tyler married Gloria last weekend. That's uh, whatever it is. weird and sad or something.
I feel weird and sad about everything lately. Why can I suddenly not quite pull myself together?
Sorry you've hit a bit of a rough patch. I went and saw Dave Bazan last week for the first time and thought of this blog. He was lovely, I feel like I mostly stared at him with my mouth open (in a good, hopefully non-creepy way).
Take care, Quinn
It's hard not to stare, isn't it?!! I'm excited that you were able to see him in the flesh. I don't mean to be so obsessive-ish but I just can't seem to help it.
Glad you enjoyed him and thought of me
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