Friday, May 28, 2010

[blah blah]

My brain feels like it has flattened itself against the sides of my skull. I could scarcely be more uninspired and unsatisfied. Dear job, you suck- I am over you. The past four days have averaged 35 transactions in a ten hour period. I work eight of those hours. I am maybe seeing 20 customers a day and half of those people order drip. I am so bored. I finished my books. I have done everything on the internet. I am so tired from doing nothing all day that by the time I get home I just want to lay in my bed and listen to Harry Potter read to me by Stephen Frye or catch up on radio lab/this american life.

I finally did laundry and dishes yesterday. It was too exhausting. I wanted to go for a quick jog but the idea of leaving the apartment was too daunting, especially by 8pm. Tthe rain has been crazy and constant. I like the soggyness but I'm sort of ready for summer. I hate that eight boring hours take all the energy out of me. I do as many crosswords as possible and play facebook scrabble with friends. It helps me not get drowsy in the middle of the day.

Leaving for Rhode Island on Wednesday night. We're going to spend a day in Newport. Many adventures planned. I hope July comes soon so I can fill my free time with James and all his loveliness and our activities. New York at the end of July, camping, road trip, and many small exciting things. Just a few more months.

Listening to funk and drinking peach iced tea. If I didn't have to work from 7-5 tomorrow it could be a care-free Friday.

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