Saturday, August 2, 2008

[let it sink in]

I have this tendency to assume that everyone knows the same things as me. I don't know if it's a narcissistic thing or if I just believe that I don't know very much so everyone must already know what I know. Either way, I am constantly surprised in conversation when I make some sort of reference and this other person hasn't a clue what I'm talking about. I make this assumption with experiences too. I haven't done anything interesting so surely you've experienced all my boring things, right? I think it makes me come off as bitchy, or like I think I'm superior. It trips up great conversation. I am aware that I don't know anything generally, that others know. You'd think this would go both ways.
Do you do this too?

Something at work reminded me and now I've gone and forgotten a prime example.
I have to wake up in a few hours to be on a buses for three. I can't wait to be car sick. soon Edmonds though, and that is always nice.

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