Tuesday, March 31, 2009

[crafts and camping]

Have I told you that I Love my new therapist? because I do. I know it's only the third session but I can already see the potential in us working on stuff together. I feel like she is smart and even knows her stuff about eating disorders, which unfortunately is not always the case. I haven't felt this positive about a therapist in a long time. She is sort of funny though. Today she mentioned that I was a 'beautiful woman' which is nice you know but is essentially like a compliment from your mother. What, is she going to tell me I'm ugly? no. She recommended a marriage counselor and I'm pretty excited to see him. Apparently he is good stuff but his bed side manner is 'questionable'. I don't exactly know what that means but it sounds productive.

After therapy Tyler and I got coffee (DoubleTallSoyHalfAsSweetCaramelVanillaLatte) and then went to the craft store. The Martha Stewart section is soo pretty and well designed. Everything Martha markets is done exceptionally. I wanted her glue because of course the packaging was aimed exactly at me. Tyler directed me to the Elmer's. I did happen to buy some of her glitter and am VERY excited to play with that.

I'm actually making my sister a secret spring gift involving nesting and pretty colours.
also, camping was fun stuff:
(click on photos for proper sizing)

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